πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. ✨ Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The second yama is satya: truthfulness towards all living things. Are you truthful in your thoughts, speech, and actions? We tend to pick up behaviors from the people we interact with in our lives. We can be exposed to different ways to handle situations… and not all of what we learn is the right way to go about things. We may say things, do things, and think thoughts that are not a real reflection of ourselves. We can end up believing our lies so much that they become our truths. It can result in not even trusting ourselves anymore. It is all about being mindful and compassionate to the ones around us. Separate yourself from what you have learned to be true and ask yourself what you believe to be true. Are your thoughts, words, and actions in line with who you are as a person? Or are they a reflection of what others have done in similar situations? It is all about unlearning what we have learned that does not ring true to us and to find our higher selves in actions that reflect our innate goodness. It is about living your truth in every moment. Speaking your truth in every moment. Doing actions that reflect your truth in every moment. There is a catch though, satya (truthfulness) comes after ahimsa (non-violence). If your truth can hurt another, it is not a truth. True knowledge can only be passed when there is no harm, or the least amount of harm, being caused to another. Truthfulness is kindness. Truthfulness is respect. Yoga is a more than what you think. It is about working on yourself so that you can be better for you and the people around you. Speak your truth today. Your spirit will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yoga #yama #8limbsofyoga #satya #truth #lovethyneighbor #discoveryourself #digdeep #gowithin #meditation

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