🙏 Everything in life needs maintenance. We maintain our homes by keeping them clean, we maintain our cars by taking them in for upkeep, and we cut our hair so that we can maintain our looks. But, how often do we regularly check in with ourselves to make sure we are maintaining sanity? The mind needs maintenance too. Do you take time out of your schedule for mental relaxation? We may think that we are relaxing by reading or watching tv, but the eyes are still working and the mind is trying to process the stimulus that it is taking in. Try, if you can, to just close the eyes for a breath. Let the eyes relax. Let the shoulders drop down. Relax the jaw. Give the mind a chance to recuperate in this silence. Focus on the breath and try to bring more oxygen into the body. Set a timer on your phone for one minute and sit in this stillness. It will fly by fast. You will realize that you can do anything for one minute. It just takes doing it. Make it happen. Your mind and body will thank you for it. 🙏 #namaskartoyou #meditation #mindfulness #mentalhealth #justbreathe

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