πŸ™ We have a culture of sitting. It started when we were young… We had to go to school and “sit still” in class all day. Now we have to sit at work all day. When will the sitting stop? Did you know that you have to exercise for at least 90 minutes a day to combat your daily sitting? How many people come close to hitting that number? It may be, almost, impossible for some. This is why it is important that we try to take a break. Get up, stretch; make sure that your body is getting a little bit of movement every hour. It is necessary. When we do not use something consistently, we lose it. We can see that happen with certain skills we do not practice often and with our body when specific muscles are not being used. Sitting is the new cancer… It causes our bodies to lose their abilities as we get older. Do not allow that to happen to yourself. Do not wait until you are old and then wonder why your body is not working the same way it used to. Take the time now. Your future body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #movement #body #health #wellness #fitness #keepitmoving #motivation #bodylove #moveyourbody #physical #physicalhealth #physicalfitness #inspiration #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #ot #pt #therapy #yoga #asana #humanbody #walking #sitting #running #active #activelifestyle

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