πŸ™ Chin up. You got this. Life is filled with ups and downs so, don’t let anything stop you. Push through. Keep going. You will succeed. You will bounce back. It just requires you to keep moving. You are here to prove to yourself how strong you are. So, why let anything get you down? It will pass. Know your power. You are so strong. You are so amazing. Remember that. Repeat that to yourself. Verbalize and actualize your amazing-ness. Your mindset will thank you for it πŸ™ __________________________________ #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #miami #virabhadrasana3 #warrior3 #warriorpose #meditation #motivation #inspiration #selfcare #innerpeace #innerdialogue #positivethoughts #positivevibes #positiveactions #obstacles #life #lifeisgood #youcandoit #yougotthis #getit

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πŸ™ Take a moment for you. For your body. For your mindset. For your physical, mental, and spiritual health. There is always something to do, something to distract us from our own self-care… and it will still be there after. So, take a break. You will feel so empowered after. You will be in control of the moment. We, frequently, let our schedules control us. Take back the control… even if it’s just for a moment. Your mind and body will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #breathe #takeamoment #tadasana #liveinthemoment #liveinthenow #takecontrol #empowerment #motivation #inspiration #fridayfeels #yoga #yogaoutdoors #meditation #mindfulness #mindset #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #spiritualhealth #mindbodysoul

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πŸ™ Do you show yourself enough self-love? Do you take enough time for relaxation? Do you respect your own limits? Is your inner dialogue about yourself positive? Do not allow yourself to get clouded by other people’s opinions about you. You are AMAZING!!!! You know it. So, why feel any different? You mean so much to the people around you. The world needs you. You are on this earth for a reason. Make sure you take care of yourself. Your future mindset will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #selflove #selfcare #lovethyself #motivation #happiness #change #growthmindset #mindset #inspiration #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #positivevibes #love #peace #growth #evolve #beyourself #yoga #meditation #mindfulness

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πŸ™ You have the power. You are a warrior. Remind yourself; you can do it. Do not let the opinions of others discourage you. You are a creator. Look at the amazing life you have created so far. You still have so much more to come. Be confident in your abilities. Remind yourself again and again, as many times as you have to. You are smart. You are capable. You are persistent. You are empathetic. You are attractive. You are amazing. You are the best. You are worthy. You are kind. So why are you telling yourself anything less? Empower yourself. Be your best cheerleader. Your mindset will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #virabadrasana #warrior #warriorpose #warrior2 #yoga #miami #meditation #mindset #motivation #empowerment #encouragement #mindfulness #selflove #selfcare #youfirst #ilovemyself #positivity #positivevibes #happy #love #treatyoself

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πŸ™ We have a culture of sitting. It started when we were young… We had to go to school and “sit still” in class all day. Now we have to sit at work all day. When will the sitting stop? Did you know that you have to exercise for at least 90 minutes a day to combat your daily sitting? How many people come close to hitting that number? It may be, almost, impossible for some. This is why it is important that we try to take a break. Get up, stretch; make sure that your body is getting a little bit of movement every hour. It is necessary. When we do not use something consistently, we lose it. We can see that happen with certain skills we do not practice often and with our body when specific muscles are not being used. Sitting is the new cancer… It causes our bodies to lose their abilities as we get older. Do not allow that to happen to yourself. Do not wait until you are old and then wonder why your body is not working the same way it used to. Take the time now. Your future body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #movement #body #health #wellness #fitness #keepitmoving #motivation #bodylove #moveyourbody #physical #physicalhealth #physicalfitness #inspiration #physicaltherapy #occupationaltherapy #ot #pt #therapy #yoga #asana #humanbody #walking #sitting #running #active #activelifestyle

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πŸ™ Turn off the computer. Get off of your phone. The eyes deserve some natural views. Let your vision be filled with sights of nature. The light from our screens can mess with our bodies. So, take a break. Take a walk outside, or even just sit somewhere. Feel the wind. The sun. Do this often. We spend too much time indoors and too much time on our screens. When is the last time you took a real break from it all? Do it today, even if it’s just for a moment. Your mind and body will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #outdoors #environment #earth #gaia #natural #nature #yogaoutdoors #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #selfcare #health #wellness #saturday #saturdayvibes #rest #restore #takeabreak

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πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. ✨ Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The fifth yama is aparigraha: non-possessiveness. Non-possessiveness can be applied in many different ways. Do you notice yourself being possessive in life? Maybe you like to collect accessories, quality foods, clothes, or even movies. It is common to have an attachment to our possessions. It is also common for us to have an attachment to people. But, it is important that we remember that we were born with nothing and we will leave with nothing. So, how can we let material items and people affect our mood and happiness? People come and go. Things come and go. Our happiness cannot be determined by what we have in the moment because life is fleeting, and what we have can leave as fast as it entered our life. Nicolai Bachman said it beautifully; “as we accumulate more stuff, most of our time is spent maintaining it, leaving less time for our own internal development.” Another part of possessiveness is having strict opinions and becoming rigid in our beliefs. It is important that we are open-minded towards other views because the world is always changing and it is important for us to be flexible. Possessiveness can also be seen in conversation. Do you like to steer the conversation in your direction, or are you actively listening? Try to notice next time. Remember: everything is just a habit and habits can be broken. We have to let go of that control. We have to learn to “share power”. This step, yama, combined with these five elements, is the most important step – which is why it is first. We have to fix our relationship with the outer world before we can work inwards. Of course, we can work on all of the limbs at the same time, but establishing a “strong ethical backbone” helps us to support our journey towards self-realization. πŸ™

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πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. ✨ Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The fourth yama is brahmacharya (or brahmacarya): conservation of vital energy. Many scriptures and translations will tell you about how brahmacharya relates to not expelling our energy through sexual desires, thoughts, or actions. Our bodily fluids are a representation of our energy. So, if we tend to release them carelessly, we are depleting our sources. But, there are so many other ways that we can waste our energy. For example, we can waste precious energy just by worrying. How much of your time do you waste on worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet, and probably will not happen? How many times have you wasted energy pretending to be someone you are not? How much time is used thinking negative thoughts about yourself? How much do you spend on thoughts that are just not worth your time? As you can see, there is more than one way to lose energy. What you think, you attract. Brahmacharya is about turning this wasted energy, this pent up energy, into creative energy, using it to fuel you in your goals, rather than to bring you into a loop of thoughts that are not going to lead you anywhere. So, find a way to unplug from these external desires and channel all of your energy within; use this energy to empower yourself and chase after your goals. Encourage the right use of energy; redirect it into a positive channel. Become aware of how you spend your energy daily. And remember, even spending time on social media is wasting your energy! πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #brahmacharya #yogasutras #8limbpath #brahmacarya #energy #conserve #empower #focus #discipline #mindset #wellness #health #wellbeing #yoga #meditation #concentration #awareness

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πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. ✨ Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The third yama is asteya: non-stealing towards all living things. Our minds may go straight to actual theft, which is definitely included… But it is a bit more deeper than that. Remember, this step comes after satya, truthfulness, and ahimsa, non-violence. Asteya is about not taking from others, earning what you receive, and taking only what is given to you. Asteya reminds you not to overindulge and to be generous. When I was in India, my guru Rahulji gave a really great example. Imagine there is a cookie jar and there are two cookies left. Technically, you would not be stealing if you ate both, but you could save one for someone else because it would be the right thing to do. Also, if you give something to someone, you do so without the expectation of receiving something. Another way of stealing could be when you cut someone off when they speak; stealing their right to speak in that moment. Remember, with everything comes balance. You can give and give, but make sure there is a balance. Receiving is also a part of giving. It is a part of culture to be respectful by accepting gifts that have been given to you. It is all about respecting others and respecting yourself; do not allow others to steal from you, whichever way that may be, whether it may be stealing time, resources, or even your peace of mind.. and make sure you extend the same respect to others! πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yogasutras #asteya #yama #8limbpath #yoga #meditation #samadhi #respect #love #unity #peace #camelpose #ustrasana #nicolaibachman @yogasamskritischool

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