πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. ✨ Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The second yama is satya: truthfulness towards all living things. Are you truthful in your thoughts, speech, and actions? We tend to pick up behaviors from the people we interact with in our lives. We can be exposed to different ways to handle situations… and not all of what we learn is the right way to go about things. We may say things, do things, and think thoughts that are not a real reflection of ourselves. We can end up believing our lies so much that they become our truths. It can result in not even trusting ourselves anymore. It is all about being mindful and compassionate to the ones around us. Separate yourself from what you have learned to be true and ask yourself what you believe to be true. Are your thoughts, words, and actions in line with who you are as a person? Or are they a reflection of what others have done in similar situations? It is all about unlearning what we have learned that does not ring true to us and to find our higher selves in actions that reflect our innate goodness. It is about living your truth in every moment. Speaking your truth in every moment. Doing actions that reflect your truth in every moment. There is a catch though, satya (truthfulness) comes after ahimsa (non-violence). If your truth can hurt another, it is not a truth. True knowledge can only be passed when there is no harm, or the least amount of harm, being caused to another. Truthfulness is kindness. Truthfulness is respect. Yoga is a more than what you think. It is about working on yourself so that you can be better for you and the people around you. Speak your truth today. Your spirit will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yoga #yama #8limbsofyoga #satya #truth #lovethyneighbor #discoveryourself #digdeep #gowithin #meditation

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πŸ™ ✨It is a common misconception that yoga is an exercise practice. In reality, it is an 8 step process towards reaching spiritual enlightenment and bliss in life. ✨ The first step includes 5 elements which refer to self-regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with other people and the world at large. Yama. The 5 elements of yama highlight the external dimension of reaching spiritual enlightenment. The first yama is ahimsa: non-violence towards all living things. Do you ever have negative thoughts, words, or actions towards others? It may not even be out loud… It could be in your head. Is it toward people, animals, or even plants? Do you have respect for everyone and everything you touch? When we treat others unfairly, we are not recognizing the divinity within them; divinity resides in all of us. We tend to forget that. We live in a world where income, looks, religion, and house size determines whether a being deserves a certain level of respect. In reality, you came into this world with nothing, and you will leave it with nothing. The years you spent in school do not matter. Your material possessions do not matter. After death, even the body is defeat of purpose. Your body, true matter, will return back to the elements. So, what do you have left? Your impact on others. How do you make other living beings feel? Even when people are harmful towards you, does your divinity and your respect for their divinity shine through? Reflect. Negativity is harmful, even if it is not directed towards yourself. Positivity raises our energy frequency. So vibrate at a higher frequency. Whenever you have a negative moment, immediately combat it with a positive one. Smile at random people. Help someone that hasn’t asked for it. We drop the word β€œnamaste” to each other all day. But do we live it? Serve your fellow beings with no expectations of return. There is no separation between you and the next being. So, show them how that is true. Your spirit will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #yoga #yama #ahimsa #weareallrelated #ifyourecreatedthenyourerelated #family #earthfamily #lovethyneighbor #selfimprovement

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πŸ™ Go outside. Feel the wind. The sun. The ground beneath your feet. Feel everything in this moment. Just be. We get so caught up in the rat race that we forget to take a moment. Instead, clear your mind and get caught up in the sights and sounds of nature. Envelope yourself in this natural environment. You will immediately feel more relaxed than before. Your outlet for stress relief is right here. Why aren’t you using it? Go outside today. Your mind and your body will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #mindfulness #outdoors #gooutside #nature #selfcare #selflove #earth #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #natural

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πŸ™ Don’t wait for the perfect time and the perfect place. Don’t wait for a moment of aloneness. Take this moment, wherever you are, to reset. Put yourself first. How can you be there for others if you can’t be there for yourself? These moments add up. Even if it is just for a minute, your consistency will be rewarded. You WILL feel less stressed. You WILL feel more empowered. You WILL feel more energetic. You will. Trust in yourself. Take these small moments for you. Your mind and your body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #mindbodysoul #consciousbreathing #meditation #yoga #ashtanga #sitdown #peace #outdoors #earth #trees

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πŸ™ Pranayama – a combination of two words: prana – life force, yama – control (or prana – life force, ayama – extension). This prana, life force, can be closely defined as our breath. Our breath can control everything: hypertension, aggression, sadness, hyperactivity, depression, fear, anxiety, stress, and even our body temperature. It is the most important part of yoga. Fun fact: our lungs can hold a capacity of up to 4-6 liters of air… But our regular inhales are not even 1/2 a liter! We tend to take shallow breaths from the upper chest. Take a moment today, breath deeply. See if you can fill up your lungs to their fullest capacity. Your mind and body will thank you for it! πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #pranayama #breathing #breathingexercises #yoga #meditation #wellness #health #broward #nadishodhana #alternatenostrilbreathing

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πŸ™ Instead of spending money today, spend time. Time for yourself. Your mind. Your body. Your spirit. You cannot buy your wellness. You can only spend time on yourself. Do it today. Do it now. What are you waiting for? This moment will not come back. Trust me, your mind and your body will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #balance #strength #flexibility #mindfulness #mindbodyspirit #mindful #health #wellness #treatyoself

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Talk about an amazing morning meditation session we had for the volunteers of the Miramar Community Garden! A fantastic way to relax and rejuvenate – being surrounded by greenery from their own hard work! A beautiful place filled with the most amazing, hardworking people πŸ’—πŸ™ @miramargarden #namaskartoyou #meditation #mindfulness #consciousbreathing #yoga #guidedmeditation #outdoors #miramar #miramarcommunitygarden #southflorida #wellness

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πŸ™ When was the last time your bare skin touched the ground? We pick up a lot of energies throughout our day that can imbalance us. The best way to bring us back to homeostasis is to allow our skin to touch the earth. Get those free electrons from our planet’s surface. Balance yourself. It only takes a moment. Your mind and body will thank you for it πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #childspose #balasana #earth #balance #homeostasis #earthing #grounding

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