πŸ™ How often do you let the sun touch your face? How often do you feel the warmth on your skin? Go outside. Sit, stand, lay down. It doesn’t matter. get outside and in touch with natural lighting and atmosphere. Think about it… we are nothing without this planet. We could not survive without it. So, wouldn’t there be some benefits just from being outside? #namaskartoyou #earthyoga #unionwithearth #yogaoutdoors #nature

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πŸ™ Triangle pose (trikonasana) The number 3 is repeated in history. Symbolically, the three points represent the trinity of life: creation, preservation, and destruction. Past, present, future. The number 3 can also be found in πŸ•‰, created from the sounds of A-U-M. Triangles also represent the three forces of nature (qualities that compose our bodies and minds): inertia, action, and harmony. Don’t forget the Big 3: body, mind, and soul. This pose allows you to work on your strength and stability, balancing all areas of the body and life. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yoga #trianglepose #trikonasana #yogaoutdoors

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πŸ™ How is your posture when you are sitting? Do your shoulders come forward? Do you look down often at your phone or things that are under your eye level? Inhale. Bring the shoulders down and roll them back. Lift the head up and back. Open up the chest. Open up the throat. This restorative variation of seated Cow (upavishta bitilasana), is great for spinal flexibility and for warming up the core, lower back, chest, head, and neck. It stimulates the organs in the belly. It loosens up the hips and shoulders, improves posture, and also trains one for breath awareness if you incorporate synchronized breathing into your movement. All of these benefits. From one position. Why not make yoga work for you? This position can be done anywhere. You can even sit cross-legged or in a chair. Try not to impose limitations upon yourself because you do not have a mat or you cannot get onto the floor. Make it happen for yourself in any way that you can. There is a high possibility that you are, most likely, looking down to read this right now. So, wherever you are at this moment, take a second to counteract all of those hours of bringing the shoulders forward and the head down. Roll the shoulders down and back and lead with the chest. Lift the chin up towards the sky and lengthen the front of the body. Stay here for a few breaths, whatever feels good. Your mind and your body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #asana #restorativeyoga #cowpose #yogaforall

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πŸ™ Everything in life needs maintenance. We maintain our homes by keeping them clean, we maintain our cars by taking them in for upkeep, and we cut our hair so that we can maintain our looks. But, how often do we regularly check in with ourselves to make sure we are maintaining sanity? The mind needs maintenance too. Do you take time out of your schedule for mental relaxation? We may think that we are relaxing by reading or watching tv, but the eyes are still working and the mind is trying to process the stimulus that it is taking in. Try, if you can, to just close the eyes for a breath. Let the eyes relax. Let the shoulders drop down. Relax the jaw. Give the mind a chance to recuperate in this silence. Focus on the breath and try to bring more oxygen into the body. Set a timer on your phone for one minute and sit in this stillness. It will fly by fast. You will realize that you can do anything for one minute. It just takes doing it. Make it happen. Your mind and body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #meditation #mindfulness #mentalhealth #justbreathe

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πŸ™ Pawanmuktasana! I love this pose! Pawan: wind Mukt: release Asana: pose This pose is amazing for stretching the back and the neck while really stimulating the core. It strengthens the lower back muscles and loosens the spinal vertebrae. The abdominal muscles are tense and the internal organs are compressed which increases the blood circulation and stimulate the nerves. This pressure on the abdomen releases any trapped gasses, hence, wind-releasing!!! πŸ’¨ This angle is also good for relieving constipation. This pose is great for when you first wake up so that you can stimulate your bowels! Next time you are having any digestive issues, stimulate the organs and systems in the core of the body by performing this pose. Did you find relief? #namaskartoyou #asana #nature #yogaoutdoors #benefitsofyoga

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πŸ™ How are your balancing skills? Not physically… I mean, your ability to balance all aspects of life. Is there a healthy balance between work, play, and sleep? Is there a good balance between career and relationships? Do you make time for everything? Sometimes, it may not be that we do not have time, but that our commitment is not strong enough to stick to the new routine. But, even 15 minutes, or even 5 minutes, is an amazing start towards building a balanced routine where all aspects of life that contribute to your happiness can be addressed and given love. This is where self-care comes into play. By utilizing these small minutes in between can make you feel more productive, empowered, and in control of your schedule. It only takes action. It only takes action from you. Don’t wait any longer. Look at your schedule right now and find 5 minutes. Think of an aspect of life that could use a bit more love and reach out. Make it happen. You’ll feel a bit of tension leave the physical body while the mind feels relaxed for accomplishing something. Do it, do it, do it! Your mind and body will thank you for it. πŸ™ #namaskartoyou #balance #balancedlife #wellrounded #mindfulness #attitudeofgratitude

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