🙏 When was the last time you took a moment to pause? We get, quite, involved in our journey that we may forget to take a break. A real break. A moment where the body and mind do not have to work. For instance take this moment, here. Have this moment, right now, to shut the eyes and breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. Deeply. Again. Calm the mind. Still the chatter. Take in this moment of quiet. You did it. You gave yourself a moment. The body and mind are able to restore and rejuvenate themselves when they are given time to rest. This path will be continuing for a while. Give yourself more moments like these. Your body and mind will thank you for it 🙏 #namaskartoyou #nature #yogaoutdoors #meditation #yoga #selfcare #yogaatwork

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🙏 Did you find a moment today to balance yourself? Make this that moment. Shut the phone off and spend time in silence. No stimulus. Find peace in the quiet. Take it in. Remind yourself how good this feels. This space of calmness and balance is right here. It only requires you to start… #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #miami #palmtrees #bayside #meditation #yoga #treepose #trees #mindfulness #wordsofwisdom

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🙏 How often do you try something new? It is easy to get trapped in our schedule and routine. Tying something new does not have to be difficult. Even something as small as eating lunch outside, listening to a podcast instead of music, or wearing a bright colored shirt can empower us and make us feel in charge of our life, instead of our routine being in charge of us. Try it out! Something small. Your mind and your body will thank you for it 🙏 #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #mindfulness #happywednesday #motivation #strength #determination #change #miami #bayfront

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🙏 “Namaskar” may remind you of “namaste”. Both Sanskrit words have the root word “namah”, which means “salute or bow.” Namaste is the combination of the words “namah” and “te.” The word “te” means “to you.” So, namaste means “I salute or bow to you with respect.” “Namaskar” is the pairing of the words “namah and “kar.” The word “kar,” is derived from “kri,” which means “to do.” Therefore, “namaskar” means, “I do the act of saluting or bowing with respect.” With “Namaste” you are saying that you are bowing without bowing. But with the actual action of bringing the hands together and bowing, practicing Namaskar, you are saluting/respecting the person in front of you, thereby reducing your ego. Therefore, Namaskar To You 🙏 #namaskartoyou #beachyoga #yogainnature #todaysearthingspot #broward

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🙏 Manibandha Naman, Wrist Bending. Even small movements like this are asanas (poses) in yoga. Do you have occupational therapy or physical therapy goals that you could work on? Yoga is perfect for keeping the body activated and the mind focused. Yoga is not a supplement for therapy, but it is a recommended practice. With age, our bodies and minds can lose their touch. The only way to keep it active is to keep it moving. Give back to yourself. Your mind and body will thank you for it. 🙏 #namaskartoyou #yogaoutdoors #yoga #yogaforall #wrist #stretch #yogaisforeverybody

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🙏 How often do you sit in silence? Our lives are filled with stimulus. There is always something going on. Daily time set aside for meditation and relaxation is a great way to re-energize the mind. Our bodies are able to heal when we are relaxed. Our use of computers, cell phones, and television for so many hours of the day can influence our health because of the way they interfere with our sleep and proper hormone & neurotransmitter production. Unplug. Close your eyes. Give your eyes and your mind a chance to relax in the silence. Do it right now. You are spending time on Instagram anyway. Turn it off and take the time that you could’ve spent on social media and invest it in yourself. It just takes starting. It just takes discipline. It’s not that you don’t have time; it is that your commitment is not strong enough. How strong is the love you have for yourself? #namaskartoyou #meditation #silence #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself

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